Martina Anguelova
Providing yoga, cooking and healing practices for children, teens and families.
Also, providing Astrology Readings for adults.
Click here for fees and details on the Child/Youth yoga program or Astrology Reading.
About me.
Martina is the Creator of “Yoga Time YAY!” - a place for yoga, cooking and healing practices
for children, teens and families to inspire curiosity, creativity and connection and “The
Seekers Circle” - a place for healing arts, astrology and oracle decks, where you’re guided to
find the guru within the seeker.
She’s a Bulgarian by birth and roots, a Londoner by nurture and expression and a Lisbonite
through transformation. Martina is a certified Family Yoga Teacher, a Yoga Nidra and EFT
(Tapping) Facilitator, a Second Degree Usui Reiki Practitioner, a Purpose Quest Facilitator
and an Astrologer. She's accredited by The International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine.
​Martina offers private, semi-private and group healing and therapeutic sessions, Yoga
classes and Astrology readings to help create more balance and ease in the mind and body,
always intending to make you leave lighter than when you arrived. She loves to facilitate
comfort, change and clarity in sustainable ways. She believes wholeness is the essence of
wellness and shares the practices that make her feel as she was meant to. Whole.
You can also find her on yogatimeyay.com and theseekerscircle.com